We offer a variety of treatments custom tailored to your needs.


Pharmaceutical Prescriptions

Our Naturopathic Physicians are trained and licensed to prescribe a range of pharmaceutical medications. Some common examples of pharmaceuticals often prescribed are bioidentical hormones/HRT and thyroid medications.  As with MDs, the prescription is written by our NDs and must be taken to your local pharmacy to be filled.

Lab Work & Functional Testing

Naturopathic physicians use both conventional and functional medicine labs to assess your health and determine the best treatment for your concerns. Our Naturopathic Physicians can write requisitions for conventional blood tests (thyroid, cholesterol, etc.), IgG food testing, DUTCH hormone testing, Metabolomix (vitamins & minerals), Organic Acid Testing, and others.

Cold Laser Therapy (Theralase)

Laser therapy is a cutting-edge, painless, fast, and effective tool for pain relief and accelerated healing. The Theralase machine stimulates mitochondria in our cells to produce energy and facilitate the repair of muscles and ligaments. Theralase treatments are an excellent option for any muscle, ligament, and joint problems.

Lifestyle & Nutrition Plans

We often see incredible health benefits from simple lifestyle changes. We have seen autoimmune joint pain clear up after decreasing refined sugar; chronic acid reflux end with the elimination of gluten and altered liquid intake, tenosynovitis (trigger finger) resolve after removing food intolerances, among many other success stories. Dr. Chay will help you create a nutrition plan that is effective and attainable.

Vitamin injections

Quick and easy injections that increase energy and maximize your nutrient levels. These are especially helpful in patients with malabsorption conditions (UC, crohn's, celiac, etc.)

Herbal/Botanical Medicine

Herbal medicine forms the backbone of many pharmaceuticals we are familiar with today (for example, Aspirin was created from extracts of Willow bark). Herbal medicine uses plants or plant extracts that may be taken orally by capsule, tincture, or tea. Naturopathic doctors are trained extensively in herbal treatments and the interactions between pharmaceutical drugs and herbal remedies.

Acupuncture + Cupping

For thousands of years, acupuncture has been practiced with significant benefit. Dr. Chay has used acupuncture successfully for pain management, interstitial cystitis, headache management, and stress-related conditions.