Our ND's perform BP, O2, HR and other in office exams
If a urinary tract infection is suspected.
To determine blood sugar level.
An in-depth assessment of your body’s patterns of cortisol production to give insight into your body’s ability to cope with stress.
An overview of your heart health and assessment of cardiac risk.
To determine digestive health, imbalances, and probable causes of digestive complaints.
A test to determine hormone levels for women of any age. Includes cortisol levels to determine how you are affected by stress.
A comprehensive look at your overall health to determine the best course of treatment and ensure your labs are in optimal ranges.
A test of nutritional biomarkers to target nutrient therapies to the individualized needs of patients.
Identification of food sensitivities to help reduce complications caused by inflammation.
Focused testing to determine anemia type and method of treatment
A comprehensive look at your thyroid health (includes TSH, free T3, free T4, and TPO antibodies. Other antibodies can be added)
A breath test to determine whether you have Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (the underlying cause of IBS in the majority of patients).
Vitamin B12 is important for nerve function and energy. This vitamin may be low in certain types of anemia or malabsorption disorders.
Simple and accurate methods to ensure you get enough Vitamin D.
Various different chemistry panels to determine your general state of health.
See more details about treatments and how they can help you.